Monday 24 January 2011

that madden

chris madden is from salford, a self proclaimed lover of tea, hater of mushrooms and all round muppet enthusiast. and as you will soon see a brilliant illustrator. happily drawing pictures for a living, he's churning out some awesome work and has been featured in some big publications, such as the times educational supplement, wired, aat magazine, the guardian and the mail on sunday, to name but a few.

murder // the times eureka // 2010
the times educational supplement

its nice to see in this time of disappointment and redundancy that someone is starting to get the recognition they deserve. his website is full of brilliant pieces of work, and definitely worth a visit.

to stop me from just copying his entire site onto here, you should head over there now and check it out, also make sure you click on the sketchbook section for a refreshing look at the work behind the scenes

and on that note i'll leave you with a couple of my favourites from the site

make sure to check out his site here
follow him on twitter here
follow him on tumblr here
and finally on facebook here

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Wednesday 5 January 2011

olly moss - star wars reimagined

he's only gone and done it again
olly moss has redesigned the original trilogy of star wars posters and has once again created something incredible, it would appear this man can do no wrong; take a look at these beauties.
when handling something as cherished and adored as the star wars franchise, it would be very easy for some people to tear into olly for whatever reason, but it would appear that these posters are loved by star wars fans and non star wars fans the world over.
"It was so intimidating!" olly told in an e-mail interview. "There is such a wealth of greatStar Wars art out there already, from paid professionals and from enthusiastic fans. I suppose my main aim was to make a set of Star Wars posters that were a little different from what people are used to seeing from the franchise, but still retained that essential Star Wars feel. I started by re-watching the original movies with a sketchbook on my lap, and just sort of went from there."
400 of each of these posters have been officially printed and were on sale for $50 each, however the only place you'll probably find these now - if you're lucky - is ebay. if you find any please let me know, i'd probably sell a lung to get hold of these.

feel free to check out the rest of olly's awesome work at his website here
follow him on twitter here
follow his tumblr here

"If you're as big a nerd as I am, you just can't say no to Star Wars"
 Olly Moss

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haven't i seen you somewhere before...?

well this is how i see it:

we can either go over the fact that i've had a few of months off, with me telling you i needed some space and time, before moving onto how it wasn't you; it was me...or we can just accept that sometimes things happen and sometimes they don't and now, it would appear, it's happening again.

many things have happened in the last 3 or 4 months and unfortunately this blog kinda fell of the list but now it's back; hopefully better than before.  i will try to post more often than just mondays, so check back regularly to see whats going on. also worth pointing out; i'm working on the design change so please excuse the mess.

thanks for your patience, 

let's go